These were taken back in May on our way back home from visitng Sacramento, I believe these are Mount Shasta pictures

Was that a corny title?:) So my dogs are healthy, they just need some tartar scraped from their teeth. I will have that done after the holidays. My boy dog has a bump on his side but that has been there since he was born and is hard and hasn't changed so they are just calling it a skin wart or callous, it's small. Last nights dinner management banquet was interesting and the food was so good. The police department talked about how to keep the outside of your home so burglars wont want to approach the house. I just came home from going to that court case that I was called on to testify as a witness. It was cancelled. The girl pleaded out. I was like thanks for telling me. My boots I ordered should be here today. I tracked my package and delivery is today:))) My daughters boots are falling apart. She showed me tha sole this morning. I bought them from Sears and she has only had them since September 3rd. She doesn't even wear them everyday. Sears wil be replacing them for free today. They have a program called Kidvantage. If your shoe breaks before it's outgrown they replace it:))) They better have that program with cheap shoes. I was able to go over some moving details with the owner last night at the meeting, I'm getting a new fridge and new mirrored closet doors:)
My husband has informed me that instead of turkey he would like a ham, so I bought a beautful spiral hickory smoked ham at costco yesterday, yummy! So I have 5 days to move downstairs, paint upstairs and cook an earkly thanksgiving dinner. Do you think I can do it? I will be drinking alot of chai lattes:)) Here is something you might not know about Oregon, it is illegal to pump your own gas, it is pumped for you and we have no sales tax, so if you buy something for 10 dollars you pay 10 dollars. Interesting huh?
Have a happy Friday!!!
I would love not having to pump my own gas! I only fill my van once a month but it always seems to be raining or very cold when I do. LOL Love the snow photos!!
Im so excited i hope nothing got broke on the trip. You will have to take a photo to share and also let me see where you use your things. Im so happy you won!
They charge extra to pump your gas here!!!
Thanks for adding me! Vegan isnt bad you just dont get all the protein you need sometimes. You have to be careful with the soy. Some people dont seem to need meat as much. Thats okay! but it is part of a good balanced diet regardless of what some people say. You have to take anything in small steps when you are changing a way of life.
I tried to post a comment to you yesterday but I got an error message. I wanted to tell you I love your mountain pics and that I live about ab hour and a half away from the mountains. I wanted to tell you something else but I cant remember what it was. If I think of what it was I'll send you a email. lol
Very few people have full service pumps here. I guess we are just to independant!! LOL Oh and yes I live in the Ozarks. I guess technically they are the Ozark Mountains but we just say the Ozarks here.
very beautiful pictures!
Beautiful Pictures Dana!
I am sorry, thank you for being concerned about me, that is so sweet. I have been having some major things come up that have kept me from blogging. I will get back to my blog hopefully tomorrow night or Sunday!
I saw the tag, I will get to that too. (hugs)
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