Friday, October 31, 2008
Today is Friday and also Halloween, the kids are home from school and my husband is irritating me:) We are moving tomorrow and I feel like there is so much to do and I'm on my own to do it. I already went to Avery's parent conference alone this morning and now I'm getting ready to go to Ian's conference. I think I will fall down the stairs and break a leg just to get out of having to do all the work. I just keep following them all around re-packing and cleaning. I'm sorry for venting and really cant say all I want because Justin is hovering:)
Yesterday was spent at the truck yard with Justin trying to solo out his student that he has had for 7 weeks. The student failed and costed Justin his $630 bonus. He only gets the bonus if the student passes the tests so the entire past weeks have been a waste. The student was sent home on the Greyhound bus. What failed him was he didn't get out of the truck and look before backing in. He was told all morning to not forget to do that, I even told him. A $630 bonus is alot to lose:( for a stupid mistake.
My internet will be disconnected tomorrow and wont be hooked back up until Monday, so I will miss reading all of your blogs this weekend:( I hope all of you have a better weekend than I will :)))
PS. I love and appreciate my husband, I think Im just overwhelmed and maybe have a bit of PMS
Yesterday was spent at the truck yard with Justin trying to solo out his student that he has had for 7 weeks. The student failed and costed Justin his $630 bonus. He only gets the bonus if the student passes the tests so the entire past weeks have been a waste. The student was sent home on the Greyhound bus. What failed him was he didn't get out of the truck and look before backing in. He was told all morning to not forget to do that, I even told him. A $630 bonus is alot to lose:( for a stupid mistake.
My internet will be disconnected tomorrow and wont be hooked back up until Monday, so I will miss reading all of your blogs this weekend:( I hope all of you have a better weekend than I will :)))
PS. I love and appreciate my husband, I think Im just overwhelmed and maybe have a bit of PMS
Thursday, October 30, 2008
She fell asleep on the living room floor and Biscuit decided that was a good spot to lay

Here is Avery in her costume ready to go to the church harvest festival
Yesterday when I went to Walmart I started feeling sick so I bought the ingredients to make chicken noodle soup and that is what I did , I made soup and watched a classic movie called " I Remember Mama" (1948) with Irene Dunne, if you like old classic movies and have yet to see this one, I highly recommend it. I had seen it twice before but never from beginning to end. I saved it on my DVR to watch again. My dear husband called and said he would be passing through town and wanted to come home to stay the night, so I picked him up from the truck stop about ten miles away. Before doing that my tank was on empty and I needed to get gas so I went to costco. I drive a Dodge Durango, can you believe it only cost $36.00 to fill my tank. I was so excited. During the summer it was costing $70.00. I paid $2.33 a gallon last night:))

Yesterday when I went to Walmart I started feeling sick so I bought the ingredients to make chicken noodle soup and that is what I did , I made soup and watched a classic movie called " I Remember Mama" (1948) with Irene Dunne, if you like old classic movies and have yet to see this one, I highly recommend it. I had seen it twice before but never from beginning to end. I saved it on my DVR to watch again. My dear husband called and said he would be passing through town and wanted to come home to stay the night, so I picked him up from the truck stop about ten miles away. Before doing that my tank was on empty and I needed to get gas so I went to costco. I drive a Dodge Durango, can you believe it only cost $36.00 to fill my tank. I was so excited. During the summer it was costing $70.00. I paid $2.33 a gallon last night:))
I have to follow Justin 75 miles to his companys yard and then bring him home, so I'm off to do that now. Have a wonderful day ladies!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It is pronounced like this:
REESE, thats how my last name is pronounced. I just thought I would share that with you, incase you were saying it wrong:) My friend Brenda just started a new Etsy shop called " Gourmet From The Heart". She is selling dip mixes and a few other items, last night I purchased the soup and a dill dip mix, I love dill dip and the soup sounds very southern. If you want to check it out just click on Brenda's name under my friends list and then when you get to her site just click on the sidebar where it displays her store.
Today is late start for the kids, I think I will walk Avery today, I need the exercise. Tonight is the harvest party at church and Thursday and Friday the kids have no school due to parent/teacher conferences. Both mine are scheduled for Friday morning. Today I am going to call every place I can think of and provide them with my new address, then pack up the food pantry. I also want to go to Walmart. Justin will be home tomorrow. I dont even know how long he has been gone, I didnt count like I normaly do. I have been to busy.
My back is stiff again, I think I will go do some stretches. Have a nice day!!
Today is late start for the kids, I think I will walk Avery today, I need the exercise. Tonight is the harvest party at church and Thursday and Friday the kids have no school due to parent/teacher conferences. Both mine are scheduled for Friday morning. Today I am going to call every place I can think of and provide them with my new address, then pack up the food pantry. I also want to go to Walmart. Justin will be home tomorrow. I dont even know how long he has been gone, I didnt count like I normaly do. I have been to busy.
My back is stiff again, I think I will go do some stretches. Have a nice day!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My son who needs a haircut

That man is supposed to be one of the Lewis and Clark discoverers that discovered the north west. The entire hayride was turned into a history lesson also

These were the dancing scarecrows we saw on the hayride

That is one of the barns in the background, it looks like it's on fire but it was just lit up and they had craft projects for the kids inside. Notice the mountains in the background, the river also runs along side of the farm

Katie, Ian and Avery having cookies and hot apple cider

Avery and her friend Haley, see the old house in the background

We went to the haunted hayride last night and the kids had fun. I didn't realize that it was only ten minutes from my house and we left early so once we got there we had alot of time to kill. It was dark so I didn't get to get really good pictures or see all the farm has to offer.
I have been in this town for three years and there is so much that I haven't seen yet.
So far this morning I went to the laundry mat, car wash, dollar store and burger king:) Now I will read my friends posts from today, I usually do that as soon as I wake up and tend to the animals but I went right to the laundry after dropping Ave off at school. Have a nice day Ladies!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Here are the boots I ordered last weekend

First let me say that after reading how much you ladies pay for electricity I am grateful for my bill:) Last night I slept horribly. I went to bed way to early, 8:30. I woke up about 7 times to use the bathroom, and stepped in cat puke everytime so I had to open my eyes enough to clean that mess. Then would take forever falling back to sleep. And my lower stomach was contracting all night. Im sure I have another cyst but no time to see a doctor yet and my neck cramped into a kink right in the middle of finally sleeping. It was horrible. :)
So tonight we are going to a living history ranch called Dorris Ranch. We are going to go on a haunted hayride. I will take pictures. I have never been to this place before, it should be fun.
Do you know what a remote start is. It's where you can start your car without leaving your house with the push of a remote button. I wanted one last year but didn't get it. I'm going to ask again. It's really helpful when it's freezing outside then your car will be defrosted and toasty by the time you get in it:)
Justin will be home on Thursday so I am saving some work for him. Everything but the kitchen is ready to go. I think I will be lazy today. We are having pulled BBQ pork sandwiches for dinner and yesterday I bought some italian stuffed portebelo mushrooms from the meat counter so I will have thise today also. Oh I almost forgot to tell you. When me and Avery went to Safeway yesterday they were having a grand re-opening because they just remodeled and they were giving all kinds of free samples.so we went to check it out and I bought a few things, paid for them then the cashiers light started whistling and she said I won an i-pod. Pretty cool huh?
Okay I better get off this site so I can go to another and pay a few bills:( Have a relaxed Monday!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008

I did some more cleaning yesterday after I woke from my 3 hour long nap:) My body must have really been tired and needed the rest. I still need to clean the oven but I am procrastinating that job. Last time I cleaned my oven I cut the top of my forearm deep enough to leave a scar. My oven is electric:( and something in the top of the oven was sharp enough to do some damage.
I wanted to ask what others electricity bills are. Mine came in the mail yesterday and was $46.00. During the summer it was only $63.00 when running 2 air conditioners. I am from California so I know how high electricity run's in that state. I couldnt believe how low it was when I moved to Oregon. Although my home is only 960 sq. feet. and I dont have a washer and dryer and I hand wash my dishes even though I have a dishwasher. When we moved here it was only supposed to be temporary until we found a bigger place, but once we started looking we realized how hard it would be to find a place that allows pets and that is not negotiable, my pets go where I go. I do pay $25 a month extra here but thats fine with me. He said I can have farm animals if the city will permit:)
I must go get ready for church, Have a good day!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Here is what I won!!!

My package from Brendas fall giveaway arrived yesterday:) I love getting packages in the mail and I was so excited to get the box opened:) Inside was a turkey shaped plate that I will use to hold olives, a gravy cup, Im grateful for that because I had been using my glass pyrex measuring cup for gravy, recipe cards, ( i have an empty recipe box), shopping list pad, turkey salt and pepper shakers, a package of fall leaves to decorate table with, fall ribbons that I will use to tie napkins, hot chocolate:), cookies, ( me and Avery ate last night:), and a vanilla scented candle that sits on a ceramic leaf. I love it all and feel blessed to have won. Thanks Brenda, if you dont know Brenda click on her name under my "friends" list, she is an awesome lady!!

Friday, October 24, 2008
This and That, Friday Chat:)))
This was taken in May in a little town close to Sacramento

These were taken back in May on our way back home from visitng Sacramento, I believe these are Mount Shasta pictures

Was that a corny title?:) So my dogs are healthy, they just need some tartar scraped from their teeth. I will have that done after the holidays. My boy dog has a bump on his side but that has been there since he was born and is hard and hasn't changed so they are just calling it a skin wart or callous, it's small. Last nights dinner management banquet was interesting and the food was so good. The police department talked about how to keep the outside of your home so burglars wont want to approach the house. I just came home from going to that court case that I was called on to testify as a witness. It was cancelled. The girl pleaded out. I was like thanks for telling me. My boots I ordered should be here today. I tracked my package and delivery is today:))) My daughters boots are falling apart. She showed me tha sole this morning. I bought them from Sears and she has only had them since September 3rd. She doesn't even wear them everyday. Sears wil be replacing them for free today. They have a program called Kidvantage. If your shoe breaks before it's outgrown they replace it:))) They better have that program with cheap shoes. I was able to go over some moving details with the owner last night at the meeting, I'm getting a new fridge and new mirrored closet doors:)
My husband has informed me that instead of turkey he would like a ham, so I bought a beautful spiral hickory smoked ham at costco yesterday, yummy! So I have 5 days to move downstairs, paint upstairs and cook an earkly thanksgiving dinner. Do you think I can do it? I will be drinking alot of chai lattes:)) Here is something you might not know about Oregon, it is illegal to pump your own gas, it is pumped for you and we have no sales tax, so if you buy something for 10 dollars you pay 10 dollars. Interesting huh?
Have a happy Friday!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Busy day
yummy deviled eggs with pimento (Paula Deens idea)

driving home, I am surrounded by mountains

cute dog clothes at Petsmart

cute snow suits for dogs that my husband won't let me buy:(

biscuit going to the vet, isn't he handsome

mia in the car on the way to vet

I just took my babies to the vet and will pick them up at 1:30, it's weird in the house when they are gone. I'm getting ready to go to the potluck with the elder ladies. I made deviled eggs for them. Tonight I have a management banquet/speaker meeting. Have a good day!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Iv'e been tagged

I was tagged by Shirla, I guess the game works like so: If you get tagged you are supposed to go into your photo album and post the 6th picture on the 6th page and give a desrciption, then post the first picture on the first page. Then tag three people to do the same. I tag Peggy, Brenda and T.
Animals need discipline too:)

Oh my gosh, my animals are driving me crazy!!! I have 5 and it's just like having toddlers running around. This new cat is a bad boy, he gets into everything. If I'm busy I just tell my dogs, "get the cats", and they go check out the situation. They would never be rough or bite just warn the cats to knock it off.. Now Chester Kooders has figured out how to open closet doors, and thats creepy because I know when I left to do laundry the door was closed and when I came back it was open and thats scary until you figure out it was the cat. It just gets annoying sometimes because every time I turn around I'm stepping on an animal, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know they just love me and I'm their mom. My oldest cat, she keeps to herself, except once a day comes out to beat up Chester, she does not like him and to show me how she feels she has been peeing on clothes. She peed on my sons pants and on my daughters barbie clothes and barbie dolls i had to toss what I couldn't get the smell out of. I went and bought another cat box and placed it in my girls room. maybe that was the problem.
This morning it was 38 degrees with dense fog. I love the fog, we get freezing fog, whatever that is. I had never heard of that until I moved up here to Oregon.
I'm going to ride the church bus tonight. I know I said I would never do it again, but pastor needs an adult in the back to keep watch on the kids so I will tolerate the noise.
Tomorrow the dogs have to go to the vet for their 6 month comprehensive exam. I will drop them off in the morning then pick them up in the afternoon. I have never taken them at the same time so this should be interesting trying to control both of them. My boy weighs 72 pounds and my girl is 50 pounds. They will be so excited to go on an outing, I will try to remember to take pictures. Biscuit loves car rides but Mia doesn't. Biscuit was a trucker dog for 4 months until my husband went back to being a company driver and their policy says no dogs.
I guess I should go clean my oven:( thats has to be the worse chore.
have a great day!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I was able to get so much done yesterday with the packing. My house is pretty well packed up now except for what we need to live for the next ten days. Im glad I started the cleaning out process during the summer. Nothing we dont use or need is in my house. I'm very good about not hanging on to stuff or collecting things. My house is small and clutter just makes it smaller.
Today I need to go to my daughters school and turn in her fundraiser money and then to the post office to mail my dad his birthday present, he is turning 58. I love my dad so much, he really is a kind person and a loving, supportive dad:) I miss him. He says he will come vist in december after his work is over. He works for the "Army Corp of Engineers". He retired a few years ago but they hire him back as a private contractor because they cant find anyone as good at his job as my dad.
Today it's blue skys and sunny with a high of 62 degrees:( I like dark clouds and rain. Yesterday I paid $2.89 for gas:) Whats everyone else paying? Well ladies have a fun day!
When I took my dog's out this morning it was still a bit dark out and my girl dog looked up and noticed the moon in the sky. She totally freaked out and began to growl then bark with anger and she even had her fur standing up with a mohawk. She's weird, she barks st thunder too and jumps in the air to catch hail and snow.
Today I need to go to my daughters school and turn in her fundraiser money and then to the post office to mail my dad his birthday present, he is turning 58. I love my dad so much, he really is a kind person and a loving, supportive dad:) I miss him. He says he will come vist in december after his work is over. He works for the "Army Corp of Engineers". He retired a few years ago but they hire him back as a private contractor because they cant find anyone as good at his job as my dad.
Today it's blue skys and sunny with a high of 62 degrees:( I like dark clouds and rain. Yesterday I paid $2.89 for gas:) Whats everyone else paying? Well ladies have a fun day!
When I took my dog's out this morning it was still a bit dark out and my girl dog looked up and noticed the moon in the sky. She totally freaked out and began to growl then bark with anger and she even had her fur standing up with a mohawk. She's weird, she barks st thunder too and jumps in the air to catch hail and snow.
I keep thinking of more to write about. Iv'e been drinking chai lattes and they make me zoom around the house:) Yesterday was my son's girlfriend Katie's 18th birthday, I know my son is only 16 and a half but they have been together for 2 years and she is part of the family. Anyways I'm going to make her a birthday cake so I need to go to walmart to buy a few things. She bought a car last month and just got her license yesterday so now thay are mobile. She can take my son to look for another job. She spends alot of money on my son and it bothers me that he doesn't do the same for her. She bought them halloween costumes and then took him out to dinner on her birthday weekend. He really needs to get a job and act like a gentlemen. His dad needs to have a talk with him. I'm posting the picture that I took of them in most of their costume minus some accessories
Monday, October 20, 2008
Last night me and my daughter went to a concert at our church, a lady named Lisa Marie Buster was performing. She has a beautiful voice and a real passionate love for Jesus. she travels across the country and performs at churches. We bought her cd, and Avery wanted her autograph, so she went up to her and told that she sang pretty. The lady thought she was sweet.
I think today I will relax and watch an old movie, I wish it was raining. The skys have been dark and cloudy but no rain. I still need to pack my bedroom, I packed a little in the kitchen yesterday. I cant really pack much of that because I'm still going to need my kitchen til we move. Tonight I'm going to Bible study, I think I'm going to too many classes, I'm getting confused on who's teaching what, but the ladies ask if I'm coming as if they want me there so I say yes. I do enjoy it, I'm going four times a week.
Tonights dinner will be pork loin roast, potatoes and carrots. Have a happy Monday!!!
Just an update on the weather: It's raining and expected to rain all day:) What a beautiful day!!!
I should bake something but then I would have to eat it and my weight is an issue right now so I probably shouldn't bake:)
I think today I will relax and watch an old movie, I wish it was raining. The skys have been dark and cloudy but no rain. I still need to pack my bedroom, I packed a little in the kitchen yesterday. I cant really pack much of that because I'm still going to need my kitchen til we move. Tonight I'm going to Bible study, I think I'm going to too many classes, I'm getting confused on who's teaching what, but the ladies ask if I'm coming as if they want me there so I say yes. I do enjoy it, I'm going four times a week.
Tonights dinner will be pork loin roast, potatoes and carrots. Have a happy Monday!!!
Just an update on the weather: It's raining and expected to rain all day:) What a beautiful day!!!
I should bake something but then I would have to eat it and my weight is an issue right now so I probably shouldn't bake:)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Todays is a better day:) I took advantage of my husbands drunkeness and got him to okay the on-line purchase of some black skecher boots:) I told him they were an early birthday present. Thats what he gets for drinking at a bar in Illinois. My boots should be here by next wednesday. I will post a picture, they are really cute.
Last night I was awakened up to windows breaking and someone yelling "give me my $100 bi#@h". I was mad because it took me forever to fall asleep. I'm taking Chantix to stop smoking and it gives me insomnia.
I have to go get ready for Girl Scouts and pick my daughter up from church. Have a nice weekend!
Last night I was awakened up to windows breaking and someone yelling "give me my $100 bi#@h". I was mad because it took me forever to fall asleep. I'm taking Chantix to stop smoking and it gives me insomnia.
I have to go get ready for Girl Scouts and pick my daughter up from church. Have a nice weekend!
Friday, October 17, 2008
I went to Home Depot this morning to get paint and supplies, I didnt know what color to get so I had to drive all the way back home and get a sample off the wall. Good thing my son punched a hole in the wall a few years ago. I was able to peel a piece off of that. I keep it covered with a calendar. After I was done there i went to the Goodwill, one that I had never been to before. it was huge. I bought my daughter some more clothes for church and myself some mens pajamas. After that I went to the Girl Scout store and bought my daughter her book and myself a sweater that says Girl Scout Volunteer.
I'm in a funky mean mood and wont answer my husbands calls. He is in Illinois visiting and drinking with his family and that irritates me. I keep asking Jesus to snap me out of this, but he hasn't answered yet. I tried spending money to feel better, but that didn't work. I will just clean my house. I'm making chicken quesidilas for dinner ( not sure if I spelled that right) and spanish rice. My daughter is going to a sleep over at church tonight. they are learning sbout missionarys in Africa. Tomorrow morning we have Girl Scouts. It's hard being alone so much.
I'm in a funky mean mood and wont answer my husbands calls. He is in Illinois visiting and drinking with his family and that irritates me. I keep asking Jesus to snap me out of this, but he hasn't answered yet. I tried spending money to feel better, but that didn't work. I will just clean my house. I'm making chicken quesidilas for dinner ( not sure if I spelled that right) and spanish rice. My daughter is going to a sleep over at church tonight. they are learning sbout missionarys in Africa. Tomorrow morning we have Girl Scouts. It's hard being alone so much.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Every Thursday is pay day so I like Thursdays:) It's grey skys and light rains so far this morning and that makes for a beautiful day. Atleast I think it does. I had planned on staying in my pajamas today but that plan has changed. When I was at church last night one of the ladies from Thursday pot luck bible study asked me if I was going to be there and I couldnt say "no", so it looks like I'm going and i will be taking Shirla's parmesean potatoes. Last time I went I was worried about what to take because I thought these elder ladies would be bringing great home baked dishes and I didnt want to bring something gross. Well they bought frozen items and baked them:) I guess they probably are tired of cooking. I cant blame them. So at eleven I will go mingle with the ladies, study the bible and have lunch.
After that I have one bill to go pay then I was thinking about going to costco to get paper towels and some vitamins. Yesterday I packed up the bathroom cabinets and a hallway closet. I need to work on my room soon, we only have two more weeks until we move. I'm anxious to get this over with. After we move I have to super clean and paint this unit:(
We are having pot roast, potatoes and carrots for dinner. I forgot to get dinner rolls when I was at the store. Oh well. I hope everyone has a blesssed day!!!
After that I have one bill to go pay then I was thinking about going to costco to get paper towels and some vitamins. Yesterday I packed up the bathroom cabinets and a hallway closet. I need to work on my room soon, we only have two more weeks until we move. I'm anxious to get this over with. After we move I have to super clean and paint this unit:(
We are having pot roast, potatoes and carrots for dinner. I forgot to get dinner rolls when I was at the store. Oh well. I hope everyone has a blesssed day!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's cold this morning. I have to go do laundry today and go pay some bills:( Nothing to exciting.
I have been thinking about ThanksGiving. I must confess that when we moved to Oregon three years ago I was faced with the dilema of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever. I have always just went to familys for the holidays. I have no family in Oregon and I attempted to make it on my own. It was a horrible mess and I threw it all away. Last year my husband was home the week before Thanksgiving so we cooked together and it came out pretty good. On Thanksgiving day a neighbor invited myself and my children over to her house to eat and it was good. This year I know for sure that it will just be me and the kids. The holidays are very sad for me, I miss my family terribly but we just cant afford to visit more than once a year and we do that after tax returns. So this year I will attempt to make a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for us. We will decorate the table and make the most of the holiday. My husband is always home for Christmas so thats not as bad. Thanksgiving is sad, but i would like to give my children some memories and tradition to pass on:) Any tips or advice is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Have a wonderful day!!!
I have been thinking about ThanksGiving. I must confess that when we moved to Oregon three years ago I was faced with the dilema of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever. I have always just went to familys for the holidays. I have no family in Oregon and I attempted to make it on my own. It was a horrible mess and I threw it all away. Last year my husband was home the week before Thanksgiving so we cooked together and it came out pretty good. On Thanksgiving day a neighbor invited myself and my children over to her house to eat and it was good. This year I know for sure that it will just be me and the kids. The holidays are very sad for me, I miss my family terribly but we just cant afford to visit more than once a year and we do that after tax returns. So this year I will attempt to make a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for us. We will decorate the table and make the most of the holiday. My husband is always home for Christmas so thats not as bad. Thanksgiving is sad, but i would like to give my children some memories and tradition to pass on:) Any tips or advice is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Have a wonderful day!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I got served
A few months ago my son was out past his 11pm curfew and I ended up falling asleep around midnite. He woke me up around 12:45 am covered in blood. I jumped up and asked what happen he had fallen into a brush of sticks and one punctured his leg and severed a small vein. So I jumped up to take him to the emergency room, the paremedics had already triaged his leg but sent him home to avoid an ambulance bill. So as I was driving to the e.r. we took our exit and the light was red. I was in the left turning lane and to my right was a car with the driver slumped over. She was young, maybe 17 I thought at first that she was dead as I reached for my phone to call 911 i saw an officer driving by so I honked and waved, he came over and then another officer showed up. They knocked and knocked on the girls window but she wouldn't wake up. I asked if she appeared to be breathing, he said yes. They finally opened her door and removed the keys and started shaking her, she started becoming combative and was confused as to where she was and what was going on. The officer on the passenger side raised a beer bottle from the passenger seat. S o i think she passed out at the red light. The officer took my name and info and I left. Last night an officer showed up at my house and served me with a subpoena to testify as a witness. I have to appear in court on the 24th. I'm going to be so nervous having to speak in front of all those people.
I have to go make Averys lunch, and Ian (my son) is staying home sick. He says his throat hurts. I never believe him. He was up late playing video games. He's not aloud to leave the house today. I need to go to the library and return some books. Have a great day!!!
I have to go make Averys lunch, and Ian (my son) is staying home sick. He says his throat hurts. I never believe him. He was up late playing video games. He's not aloud to leave the house today. I need to go to the library and return some books. Have a great day!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The day started with taking Justin back to work, we skipped breakfast because we were running late I didn't want to be late for church so he owes me a date. I wore my other new outfit to church and it's amazing what dressing nice can do for your self esteem:) After church guess what I came home to? A clean house! My son and his girlfriend cleaned the entire house. It was a mess from my husband cooking in the kitchen for some reason when he cooks he manages to use every dish and pot in the house and although I appreciate his cooking he is kind of a slob in the kitchen. I clean as I go. I went to bed early because I had severe menstrual cramps so the house was a mess when I woke up. I thought it was very sweet of them to clean for me. I took a little nap then we went to the Goodwill just to find an umbrella and a wig for my son's halloween costume. I also found Avery 2 cute dresses for church. I'm going to go back tomorrow when my cramps are weaker and get a few more dresses, they were only $2.47. I think that was only the third time since I have lived in Oregon that I have been to a thrift store. I should go more often.
My husband really loved this cat that we found and it's been over a week and since no one has claimed him we will keep him. I will have my daughter take down the signs we posted tomorrow.
I was going to make chicken and dumplings today but since we have so many left overs from yesterday thats what we will eat. Tuesday we will have dumplings:) I think I'm going to go have another cup of the Chai Lattee that Peggy recommended, it is really good. Does anyone have any herbal or home remedies for cramps? Please share if you do. I have battling these for years and have tried prescription meds but the side effects are just not worth it. Have a good evening!
My husband really loved this cat that we found and it's been over a week and since no one has claimed him we will keep him. I will have my daughter take down the signs we posted tomorrow.
I was going to make chicken and dumplings today but since we have so many left overs from yesterday thats what we will eat. Tuesday we will have dumplings:) I think I'm going to go have another cup of the Chai Lattee that Peggy recommended, it is really good. Does anyone have any herbal or home remedies for cramps? Please share if you do. I have battling these for years and have tried prescription meds but the side effects are just not worth it. Have a good evening!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Iv'e been so busy today running around all morning with hubby getting some shopping done. Then I decided that since I had to do Justins laundry I may as well take Avery to the birthday party that she was invited to at the skating rink, drop her off, go do laundry then pick her back up. That worked out well. Justin is making us his delicious pork chile verde and I bought some tamales at Costco. He will make sime spanish rice and pinto beans to go woth everything else. It smells so good in my house right now. I went and bought the ingredients to make Kathis guacomole. I cant wait to eat:) Were going to go out for breakfast tomorrow morning when I take him back to work, so thats nice. I recieved my goat milk soaps and lotion from Peggy over at Hidden haven Homestead. They smell so good. I bought the gift set for my mom for Christmas so I'm going to have to buy myself some now. I hope all my friends are having a great weekend. Have fun!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008

It's cold!! The temperature is 37 degree's right now. I think we are going to have a really cold winter, hopefully with more snow than last year. My hubby is coming home today and staying until Sunday morning. I just put some pork ribs in the slow cooker, Im not sure what's going with it yet. I will save making chicken and dumplings for Sunday. I have to go clean so I cant talk long. I'm posting some pictures of my fur babies. They follow me everywhere and I love them. Have a happy Friday!!!
My friend Peggy introduced me to a great site, the name of the site is 'ECLECTIC CULTURE FARM' she has a great post about canning, here is her address/eclecticculturefarm.blogspot.com/. feel free to check her out
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I had a hectic morning, my husband needed me to find out the checking account number and since we decided not to order checks until we move, I did not know the number. But I had it on a piece of paper and I was franticly searching through papers I have piled in two spots around the house. I finally found it right in front of me on my desk. So after I took Avery to school I came home and organized my papers (somewhat).
Last night I went to bible study in the sanctuary at the church. On Sunday they announced that the church needed bus drvers to pick up the kids and assistant bus captains to keep the kids in line, so I decided to ride the bus to church with Avery just to see if it's something I want to commit to. The answer is NO. No way could I handle 50 talking, yelling kids and teens while trying to drive a bus. I will never take the bus again. I asked Pastor how he does it, he said he just tunes them out and explained that these kids come from rough homes and these few hours on wednesday and Sunday are the only good thing they get. Maybe I will pray about it and God will give me the patience to tolerate it:)
I'm going to the potluck social in a few minutes, I'm excited about going.
Oh, my son was fired from his job at Arby's last night. The manager told him they had to make cuts and he was not the hardest worker so he had to go. He's had a taste of what it feels like to earn money so that should motivate him to just go look for another little job.
I better get going, I dont want to be late. Have a great day!!
Last night I went to bible study in the sanctuary at the church. On Sunday they announced that the church needed bus drvers to pick up the kids and assistant bus captains to keep the kids in line, so I decided to ride the bus to church with Avery just to see if it's something I want to commit to. The answer is NO. No way could I handle 50 talking, yelling kids and teens while trying to drive a bus. I will never take the bus again. I asked Pastor how he does it, he said he just tunes them out and explained that these kids come from rough homes and these few hours on wednesday and Sunday are the only good thing they get. Maybe I will pray about it and God will give me the patience to tolerate it:)
I'm going to the potluck social in a few minutes, I'm excited about going.
Oh, my son was fired from his job at Arby's last night. The manager told him they had to make cuts and he was not the hardest worker so he had to go. He's had a taste of what it feels like to earn money so that should motivate him to just go look for another little job.
I better get going, I dont want to be late. Have a great day!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Laundry Day!!
Today I'm going to go do laundry. I made cream cheese banana bread yesterday, I found the recipe at Julieann's site. I was proud of myself for baking from scratch. It even tasted good. I was making it to take to a church bible study and social tomorrow but it overcooked on the bottom just a little bit so I dont think I will take it. I will have to think of something else to take.
I guess my hubby will be coming home for one day this weekend just not sure what day. If he comes home on Saturday then I would have to take him back to work on Sunday and end up missing church. I hope thats not the case. When he comes home unexpected it messes up our schedule. Avery has been invited to another birthday party on Saturday but if he comes home on Saturday she probably wont go because I would rather spend every minute with him than sit at a party for three hours. I don't know we will see what happens. Im happy he's coming home even if it's only for one night. Have a good day!!!
I guess my hubby will be coming home for one day this weekend just not sure what day. If he comes home on Saturday then I would have to take him back to work on Sunday and end up missing church. I hope thats not the case. When he comes home unexpected it messes up our schedule. Avery has been invited to another birthday party on Saturday but if he comes home on Saturday she probably wont go because I would rather spend every minute with him than sit at a party for three hours. I don't know we will see what happens. Im happy he's coming home even if it's only for one night. Have a good day!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I started my day a little late. I was tired because I haven't been sleeping well so after I took Avery to school I went back to sleep. My husband has been driving nights and sleeping days so we haven't had much time to talk and when we do he's tired and in a grumpy mood so thats affecting me. I guess he's coming for a day, I'm not sure when, I tried to call him but I woke him up and that didnt go well. He's probably in Nebraska, so I'm guessing maybe in 4 days.
Yesterday I cleaned my floors and scrubbed the bathtub, those are the chores I dislike the most only because it hurts my back. I dont mind doing dishes. We have a dishwasher a brand new, but I store tupperware in it. I dont mind washing dishes I find it relaxing. My goal today is to pack up whatever I have storing under my bed and other stuff on my desk... Dinner will be Firecracker Casserole, I found that on another site. The chicken spahgetti wasn't that good so I'm taking a risk with this casserole. My computer is acting dumb. I cant leave comments on a few sites it just makes a noise when I click on comments. It's Julieanns site and moms4palin .
I went to Bible study last night. I enjoy those women alot. they want me to come to service on Wednesday night too, I guess I wil check it out this Wednesday. Anyways have a great day!!!
Yesterday I cleaned my floors and scrubbed the bathtub, those are the chores I dislike the most only because it hurts my back. I dont mind doing dishes. We have a dishwasher a brand new, but I store tupperware in it. I dont mind washing dishes I find it relaxing. My goal today is to pack up whatever I have storing under my bed and other stuff on my desk... Dinner will be Firecracker Casserole, I found that on another site. The chicken spahgetti wasn't that good so I'm taking a risk with this casserole. My computer is acting dumb. I cant leave comments on a few sites it just makes a noise when I click on comments. It's Julieanns site and moms4palin .
I went to Bible study last night. I enjoy those women alot. they want me to come to service on Wednesday night too, I guess I wil check it out this Wednesday. Anyways have a great day!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I WON, I WON !!!!!
I'm so excited to announce that I won Brenda's giveaway. Thank You to my friends that mentioned my name and to Brenda for the treasures she will be sending me. The anticipation through out the night was killing me. I wanted to check the computer everytime I woke up through out the night, but I didnt I waited until this morning.
Now if my 8 year old daughter would quit whining about anything she can think of my morning would be perfect. I showed her my prizes and she's excited too. Last night we played Junior Monopoly and scrabble. I dont know what her problem is lately, but whatever it is I hope it passes soon. Boys are much easier than girls.
Today I plan on doing windows and floors and I'm still not sure what we are doing with this cat that I found. I guess he is staying we named him Chester Kooders.
I hope you all have a good Monday, I know I will!!!!
PS. The ladies at church said how nice I looked but my feet were killing me.
I talked to my daughter, she says her head hurts but doesn't have a fever. I sent her back to bed for an hour then we will try to get ready for school. I think she might be working me right now.
Now if my 8 year old daughter would quit whining about anything she can think of my morning would be perfect. I showed her my prizes and she's excited too. Last night we played Junior Monopoly and scrabble. I dont know what her problem is lately, but whatever it is I hope it passes soon. Boys are much easier than girls.
Today I plan on doing windows and floors and I'm still not sure what we are doing with this cat that I found. I guess he is staying we named him Chester Kooders.
I hope you all have a good Monday, I know I will!!!!
PS. The ladies at church said how nice I looked but my feet were killing me.
I talked to my daughter, she says her head hurts but doesn't have a fever. I sent her back to bed for an hour then we will try to get ready for school. I think she might be working me right now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goodmorning, I woke up at 5am this morning and have already cleaned the house and even attempted to do some exercise. I went to the excercise on demand on the television and I lasted about ten minutes. But thats okay I have to start somewhere. My self esteem is pretty low and I need to do something about it. I need to get an umbrella to walk my daughter to school instead of driving her. Why I dont already own an umbrella is a good question. I should, living in Oregon.
I dont think keeping this cat is going to work out. My older cat is not taking well to the homeless cat. She is being very mean to him and it's not fair to stress her out. The cat I found is also stressed out. He filled the cat box last night with his stomach ache so I know he's stressed. I dont know what to do about this situation. I will give it more time.
I found a recipe called "garlic chicken spahgetti" on another site. I'm going to make that for dinner with a salad and some garlic breadsticks oh and I bought a pineapple at Safeway yesterday for 1.99 so I will have my son slice that up.
I need to go get ready for church, Im going to dress nice in my new clothes:) I might even put some makeup on:).
I hope my day continues to be positive. Usually after church I'm feeling real good until I come home and see the mess my son has made in my kitchen from cooking and then to see him just playing video games makes me flip out. Today I'm trying something different. I ask him to go but he says no. I will keep asking.
Here is a picture of the cat I found and my dogs. My dogs are great they welcomed the cat. Yesterday the cat wouldnt go near the dogs and now look at them.
Have a blessed day!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday: I found a cat
I woke up at 5am and just layed in bed and listened to the rain pour for about an hour then fell back to sleep until 7:20. After I woke up and took my dogs out in the rain I then took my son's girlfriend to drop her off in a little town about 15 miles into the country, she was going to get her hair done. When I returned home as I was about to pull into my driveway I saw this little cat with a collar on looking lost, confused and scared. I opened my car door and he jumped right in and was so happy and purring. His collar did not have a tag but I wasn't gong to just leave him in the rain. He must have ben the cat I heard crying all night 2 nights before. So I made signs that said found a cat with a description and my address and posted the signs around the neighborhood. He is a male cat that has not been neutered. I have him in my house as of now but the other cats dont like him and he doesn't like the dogs. I feel bad messing with the animal chemistry already in my house but I cant just let him wander the streets meowing and scared. My husband says eventually they will all get along. I guess I will wait a week and if the animal shelter wont take him I will keep him. He will have to be neutered ofcourse and shots. Maybe tomorrow if the rain lets up I will put him in the cat carrier and go door to door asking if they lost him.
We also had GirlScouts this morning. Thats was fun, the girls start their "Nut" sales. They sale peanuts and candies and then in January they start selling cookies, then her school sales wrapping paper. To many sales.
I feel like I'm geeting a sinus infection and I still need to go do dishes and make dinner:( Really I just want to lay down, but fast food isn't in the budget right now. The wonderful car payment is due soon:) Dont you just love paying bills. Everytime you get one paid you turn around and theres another one. Fun,fun,fun. I better go start dinner, have a great evening!!! Thanks for the clothing compliments, I'm just a jean and t-shirt girl but I'm excited about getting dressed up a little tomorrow for church:)
We also had GirlScouts this morning. Thats was fun, the girls start their "Nut" sales. They sale peanuts and candies and then in January they start selling cookies, then her school sales wrapping paper. To many sales.
I feel like I'm geeting a sinus infection and I still need to go do dishes and make dinner:( Really I just want to lay down, but fast food isn't in the budget right now. The wonderful car payment is due soon:) Dont you just love paying bills. Everytime you get one paid you turn around and theres another one. Fun,fun,fun. I better go start dinner, have a great evening!!! Thanks for the clothing compliments, I'm just a jean and t-shirt girl but I'm excited about getting dressed up a little tomorrow for church:)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday evening

I know I said I was going to stay in my jammies all day but that didn't happen. After I cleaned and started my beef stew I decided to go to the movies and watch, "An American Carol" it was a pretty good movie. After that I went to spend the gift card that my mom sent to me to get blouses for church. Clothes are expensive, I bought 2 shirts and a pair of pumps (now the only pair I own). That came to 94 dollars:(.
After shopping I came back home and made the brownies, both the stew and brownies turned out great. I took a few pictures, although the ones of the blouses didnt come out to well.
Friday, and it's still raining!!
Goodmorning and happy Friday!!! Today here in Oregon it's a beautful day to just stay in jammies and cook and bake. So I think that's what I will do. I'm going to make beef stew for dinner and some peanut butter chocholate brownies. I am cooking from scratch but there not my recipes, thats because I'm still learning. I was going to go shopping today but I will postpone that until after Girlscouts tomorrow. Now that I am assistant to the troop leader I have to participate in the singing and the dancing:) It was awkward the first time but I will get into it eventually, I just feel silly.
My mother called and told Avery to go on-line and pick out a halloween costume and she would buy it and have it shipped. So Avery picked herself out a pretty angel costume. Last year was the first year that I stopped letting her go trick or treating. I thought about it and didnt see the point in teaching about strangers and then one day a year letting her go to strangers doors and ask for candy. Last year we went to the skating rink and a church group had rented it and had little game booths and tought scripture and passed out candy. So this year I will look for something like that to do. I didnt let her keep the candy either. She has to have braces in the furure so her teeth need to be strong. Am I a mean mom? My friend Brenda is having a fall giveawy so jump on over and take a look http://countryromance.blogspot.com/
I hope everyone has a great Friday!! Please mention my name if you hop over to her post. Thanks
My mother called and told Avery to go on-line and pick out a halloween costume and she would buy it and have it shipped. So Avery picked herself out a pretty angel costume. Last year was the first year that I stopped letting her go trick or treating. I thought about it and didnt see the point in teaching about strangers and then one day a year letting her go to strangers doors and ask for candy. Last year we went to the skating rink and a church group had rented it and had little game booths and tought scripture and passed out candy. So this year I will look for something like that to do. I didnt let her keep the candy either. She has to have braces in the furure so her teeth need to be strong. Am I a mean mom? My friend Brenda is having a fall giveawy so jump on over and take a look http://countryromance.blogspot.com/
I hope everyone has a great Friday!! Please mention my name if you hop over to her post. Thanks
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's Raining!!!:)

Im so happy that it's raining today, I love the rain. I just returned from the laundry mat and since I went two days over my normal laundry day I had more than normal. I spent the day yesterday vacume sealing my meats and stocking up my freezer. We do that about every four months. So now I have every possible meat and cut you could think of, except lamb, I have never tried that and really dont care to. I also tackled my daughters room yesterday and packed it up then she came home from school and statrted unpacking. That didn't sit well with me. Today I need to go under my son's bed and see what I find. I already have a huge pile in my living room to go to the goodwill, I will probably make that trip tomorrow.
There is this homesteading ranch close to where I live and they have turned into a learning place for kids and adults, I think it was built in the 1800's, I ordered tickets yesterday to go there and go on a haunted hayride, that will be on the 27th, it should be fun, we have never been there so Im looking forward to that. My mom sent me a 100 dollar gift card to get an outfit for church so I will go spend that tomorrow and see if I cant get two outfits:
I have to meet my landlord and another property owner for linch at twelve so I should go get ready for that. It should be interesting since the two have never got along, I think they are calling a truce.
Look at this picture, my daughter won that at a furnuture store, isn't it ridiculous. She wont part with it. Have a great day!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Open House

I feel good today. Today is late start for the kids, that just means that they start school an hour later than normal. Open House was okay, I totally forgot to ask about "The Pledge of Allegience", I was to focused on the crowd crowding me, I will have to e-mail her. I have a busy day, I have to go do laundry and stop by walmart to get some blinds, tubs (for packing toys and books) and cleaning supplies. Here are some pictures of open house.
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