bottom half of the beautiful tall tree's

Avery sledding down the hill in our backyard on a skateboard with no wheels

It's starting to snow again

This was yesterday evening, I looked out the window and this is what I saw, Avery showing the snow to her stuffed moose. Yes it's dark and no she has no jacket on. She is 4 ft in front of my front door and if she was cold she would have put on a jacket:))) I thought she was cute

Averys moose sitting on the walkway watching Avery

Leaving my complex, we are not letting this snow keep us from doing what we have to do

Driving in the snow to Walmart, yes I am driving and taking pictures with my cell phone:))

We are off to buy Christmas presents:) Doesn't my son look thrilled to be up at 8am on a no school snow day

She tangled herself up in a Walmart bag when I was on the floor wrapping presents. She is so cute:)
The girl scouts canceled so I put the cake in my freezer, I will be busy tomorrow so Im posting tonight. Justin will now be here Sunday, but only to stay the night as he passes threw headed to Portland. After he delivers in Portland on monday morning I will pick him up and bring them both home. People were saying, " im glad your Bil is coming" and I was thinking, " his name is Justin, not Bil" LOL. Thanks Barbara for clearing that up for me. Bil is brother in-law. I will be making the red velvet cake. I need to go buy a sifter. I will post again later tomorrow. Thanks for visiting my blog:))

The girl scouts canceled so I put the cake in my freezer, I will be busy tomorrow so Im posting tonight. Justin will now be here Sunday, but only to stay the night as he passes threw headed to Portland. After he delivers in Portland on monday morning I will pick him up and bring them both home. People were saying, " im glad your Bil is coming" and I was thinking, " his name is Justin, not Bil" LOL. Thanks Barbara for clearing that up for me. Bil is brother in-law. I will be making the red velvet cake. I need to go buy a sifter. I will post again later tomorrow. Thanks for visiting my blog:))
Nice Pictures. I have to say, I'm surprised that they canceled school for that amount of snow. Maybe it's because I grew up in MA and we'd go to school even if we had a foot of snow. Otherwise, we'd be having snow days for half the winter.
Make sure you take a picture of the red velvet cake. It sounds interesting. I've never made one.
Have a blessed weekend. :)
waiting on you to send some of that snow this way! Your calendar is on its way! Have a great holiday and glad hubby is home.
Oh my gosh Dana ~ that is funny about the BIL!
I sent one of my friends pictures of our snow, I am sure your kids would just love it!
Hope you had a great weekend
Take Cre
God Bless you and Merry Christmas. Thanks for being a great friend.
Your daughter is so cute. Your cat is too funny. My cat used to do that too....he loved the bags.
Can't wait to see your cake. The Red Velvet Cakes are so tasty. Have a blessed day.
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