Monday, December 8, 2008


Another week has past:) Does it seem like time is flying by? Christmas is approaching us so fast and a new year is right around the corner:) I dont want Christmas morning to be over in 15 minutes. I made the kids slow down last year and I think we stretched it to 30 minutes. I want it to last even longer. Any suggestions? I want my children to be grateful for the gifts they get and not think we are just obligated to buy them presents. I may have them each write a short essay telling what they are grateful for. I dont know, maybe thats a dumb idea. Help:)
Justin is already in Iowa, he will be back home on the 24th:) Today I need to go upstairs to the empty unit and clean the windows and make sure the place looks nice. The owner is leaving for Mexico today. The ad is in the newspaper for the rental. It has my phone number in the ad. A gentleman called yesterday but wanted a downstair unit. Avery starts the afterschool math tutoring program today. She wont be home until 5pm:) Avery is my child that never stops talking. I mean never, she even talks in her sleep. I think she even drives the animals crazy at times:) Have a happy day today:))


The Mind of a Mom said...

Hey Mrs.Ruiz

One of the things we do with my brother's kids (all of who have various degrees of learning disabilities) is to make them open a gift each and then show eachother what they got, then they get to go onto the next gift. It slowed things down and make then aware of what they were getting as opposted to just bombarding them with gifts and they have no idea what they were getting

Shirla said...

If you roll the cookies out thick then yes they are soft.

No it's not still snowing. We only had show showers that night, it didnt stick.

Blessed With 4 said...

I have one child go at a time opening gifts and showing everyone what they got and it helped slow them down.
I am praying you rent the apartment quickly and God sends you a blessing to rent it.
Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I am enjoying yours.

Rose of Sharon said...

What we do is we start with stockings. Our kids are not to get into anything until we say it is okay because I want to watch! Now everyone is grown and they all sleep in, so the problem is getting them out of bed! Any way, after stockings we hand out all the gifts and we start with my husband and go down the line in age, but he first will open the gifts from the youngest son, then I open the gift from the youngest and so on down the family line. Then my hubby opens the gifts from the second youngest son, then I do, then on down the line. We all watch while each person is opening. The kids like it this way too so it last longer and everyone watches them open the gifts they bought and the gifts they are getting. After we are done opening we have a big french toast breakfast. It is really fun.

You're the mom.....just make up the new rules and say they have to do it if they want the presents! Pull out the big guns..."cuz I said so"!

Hugs, Sharon

It's Always Something Around Here said...

We start with the stockings. Once everyone finishes them we open one gift at a time going around the family. It usually takes us about an hour or so.

Peggy said...

The youngest in the family opens their presents first while we all watch and then we move on to the next, so on until we get to the oldest. Everyone has to watch everyone else open their presents so it lasts longer and the grandkids actually love seeing what their cousins get.

I LOVE my package!!! Will post photos later. girlfriend you sure got me the perfect gifts!!!

Peggy said...

I never ever have too much tea. I am enjoying a cup with my teapot by my side as I catch up on emails. I love my gift... thank you very very much.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you mean Santa or from you? When our kids opened from us we would make a pile for each member of the family. As we sat around we go in a circle and open a gift.It takes time,but we really love seeing what each other got.

Anonymous said...

You have an award at my place

T said...

I like the idea of each of the children opening their gifts, and showing each other what they got. It does take more time.
We have a Christmas party here for the daycare children every year, and I do that with them too. They get just as excited watching their friends open their gifts too!

This also gives me time to take lots of individual photos of each child while in the process of opening their own gift, and the surprise on their face. :)

T said...

Yes, it is exhausting at times, well most times, but it is a very rewarding job. The 2's are my favorite age. Love the 2's.:)