This is the farm dog her nam is "Blondie" and she followed everywhere, she was cute

Ian on the tractor with the tree he cut down

I let my kids decorate the tree, I think it's lovely:)

Can you believe that, I forgot my camera when we went to the Christmas tree farm yesterday:((( All I had was my cell phone camera and the battery was beeping getting ready to die. The one thing that I didn't get a picture of was the very old barn that was turned into a beautiful gift shop. It was so pretty inside, all decorated with a huge Christmas tree and the lady makes wreaths and she had books and jellys and ornaments. Outside they had goats and pigs and turkeys. We went on a tractor ride out to cut our tree. We normally go with a Noble but this year the lady showed us a cross breed between a Noble and another Fir we cant remember the names:(( . Our tree is smaller than we normally get. My son picked it out and he cut it. We also each picked out an ormament. We spent $51.00 and I was pleased with that, it was a nice experience. They also sale beef. So I might order me a beef package sfter Christmas. The cows are only fed silage, alfalfa, grass hay along with textured grain mix. They dont get antibiotics, hormone implants or animal by-products. It sounds good to me:)
Justin will be here tomorrow so I must power clean the house. That means clean, clean the house:)) Have a blessed day:)
I love your tree and the pics are great!
We had a real tree one year and ended up taking it down and putting up the artificial one. I was so scared it would catch fire.
I am cleaning too. William will be home in the morning. Then we leave for TN Thursday evening... wahoooooo
Nice fun pictures. The tree is very pretty.
It must be a lot of fun going and chopping your own tree.:)
I love your tree!!
We went and cut ours down this weekend too.
Girl your last post sounds like me with no where to put my feet. I do only have three pets in bed,but im sure if Brian were gone 26 days id have a inside farm hehe. Your tree is so pretty. i bet it smells great too.
Don't you hate it when you forget your camera! I just hate that! I'm glad you had your cell cam. What a neat place you went to! Your tree is goregous! Hey, I'm proud of you for doing your first Black Friday! It sounds like you did a great job!
Hugs, Sharon
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