Monday, December 15, 2008

It snowed:))

Look at the beautiful snow!! The school has called a snow day so the kids will get to stay home, they are excited. I did need to go do laundry and get some cat litter and cat food at Walmart, Im not sure if the roads are very safe. If others are driving Im sure I can handle it. Maybe I should just walk to Safeway, it's only across the street. Im sure my son will go with me then he can carry the cat litter. Justin is in eastern Oregon and he was shut down yesterday, he is waiting for permission to drive. They are calling for snow all week:))) Im so excited, I love the winter weather, I grew up in Sacramento, CA and always had sunshine and heat. Have a lovely day. I need to go shovel the walkway so my 80 year old tenants dont slip and fall:))
This time the pine tree's didn't stop the snow from covering my backyard:) The dogs love the snow, I just bathed them last night.

Update: they are letting Justin drive, he will have to chain up. He is driving instead of his student because he is experienced.


Peggy said...

now don't be selfish!! Share that snow. Instead of our usual cold weather this time of year we are having 70degree weather all week. How awful is that!

Blessed With 4 said...

Please send me some snow lol.
I hope your husband can drive soon to get home to you :) Have a great day!

DayPhoto said...

It is really cold here. Some snow, but really cold 6 degrees!


Shirla said...

We are having a heat wave here in VA, its 65 now. :( I want cold and snow!

Celticspirit said...

Pretty pictures. No snow here and I'm fine with that. I grew up in MA... a very snowy place. We had lots of snow days when I was a kid. We'd have to have a lot of snow for a snow day to be called and then we moved to NM and they'd call a snow day for only a couple inches of snow. Too funny.

Julieann said...

Safe travels for Justin!!!

You are so lucky to have a store right across the street, how neat is that!!

I hear ya, on the weather--I am so excited that it is actually cold and rainy here..LOL.

Stay warm.


Peggy said...

don't know if you found your recipe yet but here you go:

Peggy said...

those cookies are easy and yummy! William is on his way to Arkansas.

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

You are the second fellow trucker's wife I have met here in bloggy world.

I'm guessing you found me thru Linda-Colorado Farm Life. We just met in person and she is one awesome lady!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl that isn't even fair. A white Christmas I bet. Im going to Louisiana so im sure we want see snow.

The Mind of a Mom said...

You have more snow then we do! :o)
Enjoy it. If and when we get a storm I will post pictures for you to see. Everyone around us has had it and we have been lucky to have it pass by, But our luck can't hold out forever and we will get a big dump! I can't wait.