My visit yesterday with Justin was wonderful:) It was for 12 hours and after going without seeing him for 4 weeks, I was happy with 12 hours. I baked him banana bread, corn bread with cheese, jalepenos and creamed corn in it. That was to go with Brenda's Nawlins Bean Soup. I also sent him with sphagetti and a few items he requested from the grocery store. I sent enough for his student too. He thanked me this morning. I have another loaf of banan bread in the oven right now, Im taking it to the church potluck this morning. I have been busy wrapping presents. I will finish what I have this morning. I still need to buy some more gifts. I have to wait until next weeks payday. I have my Christmas music playing:) I must stop all this baking, it's making me gain more weight and I refuse to weigh more than Justin. I was offered free tickets to see The Nutcracker Ballet, I had to sadly decline the offer:( Avery is performing in the church Christmas play the same night. I gave her a choice of which event to attend and she chose the churche's. That pleases me:) On Saturday our Girl Scout troop will be in the city's Christmas Parade. I will be walking the parade, Avery should be on the float. I actually volunteered to be on the float but the walk will do me good, so I will trade with someone else. Yesterday I was watching this show on the travel channel and they showed chicken fried bacon with country gravy to dip it in. I heard that and saw it and I fell in love:) Doesn't that sound yummy:) I hope you all have a good day:)
ohhh I loooove banana bread. My man won't eat it so I don't really get to cook it! And yes, you're right, we do get too busy sometimes!
Im glad your visit went well. Sounds like you have been Betty Crocker =)
Im so glad you are having fun with the church.
I am glad you had a nice visit.
Look at you go girl, with all the cooking and baking you have been doing. I really need to take lessons from all of you in blog land, I just hate cooking and baking.
I can understand having to cut down on the baking. I'm not baking much anymore cause everything is too fattening. If you want to bake maybe you could bake some healthy homemade whole grain bread?
Tell Avery I think it's great that she's in the church Christmas play. What part is she playing? The Christmas parade sounds fun to. We went to our city's Christmas parade last night and it was soooo cold!
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