Thank You Brenda for visiting my blog, I think you are a wonderful woman with a beutiful family. Yesterdays camp out wasn't so great, I have a hard time watching people be unnecessarly cruel to their children and animals and that is what I had to witness with one other family at camp. I was torn between speaking out or just leaving. I stuck it out and just decided to give that child extra praise and extra attention , oh and the dogs that did not belong to me decided they would sleep with me and my daughter. I wont be attending anymore family camp outs in the future. One good thing that happened was I was asked to be the troop leaders assistant this year and i enjoyed hiking through the beutiful mountains. We left camp at 7am this morning before anyone else was awake, I just couldnt wait to get home. At 9:30 I took my daughter and her little friend to Sunday school and I sat down in the churches foyer waiting for 10:30 to come along so I could go into the sanctuary, as I was waiting a sweet elderly lady invited me to join the adults bible study so I did and Im glad I did and they put me on the roll call for every Sunday. I was inspired when I started reading blogs to find a church and to learn all I could to be the Christian woman that God wants me to be. So I thank you Brenda, Kathi and Julieann. oops, i meant to put these pictures and my blog page, I will figure this out. LOL, thats my son working at the fair, I think I embaressed him when I tried to take his picture, he wouldnt look up and those are my furry children and im going to add my daughter and one of me being goofy in front of the camera
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