Avery made this card to take tomorrow to the family that invited us over. I won the ribbon and leafs in Brenda's giveaway:)))

My brother and his wife debbie
I am thankful for all my animals, I love them so much

Yes the tears are a flowing:)) I get so mushy on holidays, everything gives me the goosebumps and makes my eyes tear up. Justin gave me $400 to go shopping with on Friday and Im having anxiety about it because Im not sure what store to start at and what if I buy something at one store then see it cheaper at another. This is my first " black friday" I hope it is worth it. Here is what I am thankful for:
I am thankful for God and his love for me:)
I am thankful for Justin, he works so hard to provide a comfortable life
for us and he is my very best friend.
I am thankful for my son Ian, he has a love of reading and writing and I
think he will grow up to be a fine young man.
I am thankful for my daughter Avery, she is a mini me and keeps me
I am thankful for my father, I call him everyday and before he says' bye
bye Dana" he first says "thankyou" (im not sure why, he just thanks me)
I am thankful for my sister and my mother, these relationships have
blossomed and I like that.
I am thankful for all my animals, I love them so much
I am thankful for my nieces because they are special to me, I miss them.
I am thankful for my Grandma, she is 90 and that is awesome:)
I am thankful for my uncle Clay for taking care of my Grandma and my
brother just because even though I dont see him or talk to him he is
still my brother. I miss him
Im thankful for Berean Church and the caring people there that have
welcomed me and my family as there own
I am thankful to all my new friends that I blog with, thanks for all
the feedback and warm words. Thanks for being my friend:)))
I am thankful for the men and women who fight to keep us safe,
Thank You and God Bless!!!
tell her the card is lovely and im sure that family will love the card and cherish it forever.
Dana, what a beautiful post of thanks to the Lord. Happy shopping today. God will bless you as you ask His guidance. Hugs, Kathi
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