Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I just want to say GO McCAIN/PALIN!!!!!


Peggy said...

So did I though I don't know how the goats voted. LOL

Celticspirit said...

This democrat says.....Obama scares me. I have pretty good intuition and I get this feeling about him that says something is *off* with him. So McCain and Palin it is. Or maybe I could say McPalin? ;)

Rose of Sharon said...

I voted today! I pray that God's perfect will be done today!

God bless AMerica!


Anonymous said...

Im feeling kinda sick right now. If Obama wins how can I support someone I can't stand for him and his ways.

Celticspirit said...

Well I think we are in for a very difficult 4 years but only time will tell. I don't think that Obama is an honest person and I believe it will all come out, eventually.