This is Justin, he finally agreed to let me post his picture.

This is the picture he picked, dont you think he needs a haircut?

My computer is being so slow this morning, I think I should take the music off and someone added a song to my playlist. Who did that? I wonder if there is a way to delete old posts so they are not taking up memory space and slowing down my computer. I wanted to post pictures of the girlscout ceremonies but the computer is being weird so I will try again tomorrow. I think that is a horrible picture of my Justin. Oh well:))) I guess Im going to delete my music:(
I went to get my oil change yesterday and it ended up costing $100, I needed my brake fluid changed. So I didnt get to go to costco. I have more to talk about but I have to get to church right now so I will talk later. have a blessed day!!!
Was that a before and after a haircut picture of Justin? ;) Seriously though I don't see anything wrong with either picture....why don't ya like it?
I have not heard your music because I don't keep my speakers on. I don't put them on unless I'm listening to online radio or Coast to Coast. I'm sure your music is nice though. I can however see how it would slow your computer down.
You do have a handsome hubby. Im glad he finally agreed to allow you to put his picture on so we all didn't think he was make believe hehe.
Hope church went well.
Hey, nice picture of Justin! He is better then me, I won't post a pic of myself or hubby.
Have a great night.
YAY! I'm glad Justin finally let you post his pic. :)
Just poppin on here to say that I knew it was a wig he was wearing. I was just being silly. Hope you have a good day.
Hey! Love your dog! That's great he let you post his picture! I just don't ask mine! haha! Anyway tell him we said thanks and we'll be expecting more!
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