Goodmorning Ladies, It is another beautiful rainy day in Oregon:) We are about to leave for church and after that we are going to a Veterans Day parade. My mom''s brother was pulled out of college and drafted into the Vietnam war. He was shot down on his first mission and wasn't found untill 1994, I believe. My mom dedicated her life to finding him and he was finally identified from one tooth. So we will go pay our respects to the men and woman that have served and still do serve our country. I know I will be crying, it's an emotional holiday. I grew up watching my mom work so hard on different memorial projects and she even had something to do with the POW/MIA flag that now hangs everywhere. My uncles name is Henry Clay Knight and he died for this country.
On a lighter note, my birthday was nice. I spent it exactly how I wanted to. Me and Avery watched movies and ordered pizza. Katie and Ian bought me some presents and my grandma and my uncle Clay called, that was nice.
Have a blessed Sunday ladies:)))
I had to google moroccan chicken stew because I had never heard of it, it looks really yummy!
Glad your day was special and you got some nice things. Im so sorry for your uncle and I am grateful for him and others like him!
Since she googled Morroccan Chicken stew had to go see what it was!! lol Looks good! Fainter goats or what they are really is Myotonics goats dont actually faint their muscles stiffen for anywhere from a few seconds to longer. Some say its not painful but others say it is. These guys I got a picture of didnt react when the camera flashed I really didnt mean for it to flash. You could see the whites of their eyes that was it. The older they get the less they react and some will just stiffen their legs and then keep running. You can google them and see all kinds of stuff. There is a video too I think on Youtube.
Happy Birthday. I'm glad you got some nice things.
I'm sorry about your uncle. That is so very sad. I appreciate his service. Bless you today.
What a nice tribute to your Uncle and for all our Veterans.
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. I like your candle arrangement you got for your birthday. There is something very peaceful about white candles...maybe because white is the color of healing.
Tell your daughter that I'm older than her Mommy and I think she is a sweetheart and she is very pretty as well. You may have to watch out for those boys when she gets older.
Darn, I missed your birthday, so.. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Very nice gifts you received. Sounds like you had a nice day.
Sorry to hear about your Uncle. A very nice tribute to your uncle and the other veterans.
Thank you for the kinds words. I am fine, just have had a lot going on, and not much time to post on my blog. I will update it soon.
she is a mess. Her mother modeled for years and yes Kaytlynn loves the camera.She takes good pictures too. She is getting a digital for her birthday and I hope April will start her a photo page.
Gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. What a tragedy. It is just so sad. I hope your day goes well.
I do love your neat prizes though! The candles are gorgeous.
God bless, Sharon
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