Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reindeer Cats

Yesterday I went to petsmart to get animal food and I saw these cat antlers and could not resist buying them, I think my cats were pleased with my surprise when I returned home:))

These are the swap gifts I bought for my partner amd will be returned this morning:)
My turkey is not defrosting in my fridge, I think I will just put it on the counter. I have to do laundry today and go to Walmart, maybe back to Costco. Yesterday when I was there I bought my little niece a cute Elmo outfit, Avery a my little pony play set and Ian a nice robe. They have so much neat stuff for Christmas, I only had a $100 to spend :( I actually just went there for toilet paper and wrapping paper. Thats the thing about Costco, you never just get whet you came for. They have Build A Bear gift cards worth $50 for only $40, I never made it to the Build A bear last week so I will take the $40 and get the gift card then go buy Avery stuff from the store:) Have a nice day!!!


Shirla said...

Awwww the cats look so cute.

It's Always Something Around Here said...

The cats are adorable!!!!

Sorry your swap partner backed out.

T said...

LOL Dana! They are too darn cute! I can not believe they are just sitting there letting you take their pictures. You should pose them and get more pictures, and make it a Christmas Card!

Good Kitties!:)

Sorry I haven't posted sooner, I have been out trying to trap that kitten, among other things, with no luck!

T said...

Regarding the puppies, Humans are in their a lot. I have the webcom on my desktop, so I see them all day. These breeders are actually doing a very good job raising and socializing this litter.
They have introduced them to crate training already too.

I see them in their playing and petting the pups all the time. I even see the mommy dog once in awhile.

They are going to be ok, and well adjusted pups, I am sure.

Anonymous said...

The cats are cute and you did a great job on your gift. I hope you are not mad at me about this. I am so sorry.