Saturday, January 31, 2009
yesterday and today
I walked two miles again this morning then we went to Averys award ceremony, I was even pinned with Girl Scout pin:) after that was over I dropped Ave off at camp for the night. I dont know whats wrong with me, I still feel dizzy and depressed. I really need to get out of this funk. Justin is in Kentucky tonight, I really miss him. Just typing that made my eyes well up with tears. I have this open wound on my leg and I dont know where it came from. It has pus and it is red all around. I feel like Im falling apart. I shouldn't be complaining. My dear friend Brenda e-mailed me last night that her mom passed away. I struggled with whether or not I should share with everyone. I know I met most of you ladies through Brenda's post, she is a wonderful women and can use everyones thoughts and prayers right now. 

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Oh Dana, great pictures.
Thanks for mentioning Brenda's Mom, that really saddens me, I will make sure to drop her an email.
Congrats on Avery's pins.
Regarding the wound on your leg. Sounds like a spider bite. If it is red and with puss, you have an infection which can be why you are dizzy and not feeling well. You need to get to the doctor and have that checked. You don't want to fool around with that.
Hey Mrs.Ruiz
It sounds like you jut need to rest!!!!
Medically I totally understand as I have been there, and emotionally too! Some of the things we talked about have been what happened to me! I would love to be able to talk to you in person. Please send me an email with your phone number and I will call you. I have digital phone so it is free for me to call! I know it helps to talk to someone who had been there!
Congrads to Avery on her pin.
Congrats to Avery!
Hoping you feel better soon. Rest heals alot of things but sounds like you need to see a doc with that wound. Ouch.
Sorry about missing hubs so much. Think on happy times to get thru this funk. Been there too often myself. Hang in there!
Very nice pictures. The walking is very good and it just might help you get out of that funk if you keep it up.
Keeping very busy is a good way to not keep your mind on Justin all the time and how much you miss him. It seems like you are keeping busy. I hope you have a great week.
Oh yeah, it could be a spider bite. When I was bit by a spider not that long ago, I had to go home from work early one day because I felt dizzy and nauseas and also had vomiting. You may want to get that checked out.
I'm sorry your in a funk. It helps me to read in Psalms and listen to worship music and just praise and worship the Lord. You should get your sore checked out. I work in a doctor's office and there are a lot of cases of MRSA going around. It can be dangerous. I am so sorry to hear about Brenda's mother. Poor Brenda, she has had some tough times. I am going to go visit her blog next. She is such a sweet heart.
Have a good evening.
Hugs, Sharon
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