He is the one that helped me quit and I do owe him:) Justin put in for his time off on February 18th, he is crazy, he left January 2nd. When he told me this I sent him a text message and now he will be home for 1 night either Sunday or Monday:) He arranged it so he can take his 36 hour re-start at home. I really wish we would get some rain, this has been a dry winter for where I live in Oregon. Everything is iced up outside . Do you like how my wordless Wednesdays are never without words:) Have a great day!!!
I do like your wordless Wednesday :)
I also like your very friendly and helpful kitty.
If only the cat could be taught to do the dishes being it knows where they go!!! LOL
Have you shared your quit smoking testimony on your blog? If so I would like to share it with my daughter.
Monkey Crunch? Not sure what that is. Puppy Chow is made with Chex cereal coated with chocolate and peanut butter then in powdered sugar.
And....WOW! on the willpower!!!
Good luck with your testimony. I am terrible at speaking in public too, but I find if it is something I feel strongly about, I can do it, so I know you can!
Love the picture!!
That is funny! What a great hiding place :o)
You will be fine tonight, just focus on one person as if you are talking to her or him only and you will do fine!
Good Luck and have fun
Your kitty is like my Whiskers. You never know where you will find him. I know you did well speaking last night. At first you are nervous but if you speak from your heart you get so excited about what God has done for you that you forget to be nervous or scared.
Jesus is awesome.:)
Glad to hear that Justin will be home, even if only for a short time.
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