I love Sunday's, I love going to church and coming home to make a nice Sunday dinner. I think I'm the only one that appreciates it:) I'm making roasted chicken, baby yellow potatos and fresh greenbeans. Last nights chicken pot pie came out really good. I started off with just intending to have a salad for dinner but could not resist having a taste of that pot pie:)
I still have not heard from the owner, today makes 5 days. I think he is either in trouble or maybe sick. I hope he contacts me soon. I have his phone number but cant call Mexico, I need to order a international plan to do so. That will be my last resort. I hope you all have nice day!!
Cute picture!
Ohh your Sunday dinner sounds so yummy. What are yellow potatoes? Yukon Gold?
If you really want to call Mexico you can get a cheap calling card to do so. I think AT&T ones can be used to call there.
Happy Sunday! We have spent the whole day with Soccer so I am just taking a moment to myself and catching up on my reading (everyone's blogs :o)
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