my crazy cat taking the dogs treats out of the bag and trying to eat them, she doesn't know that she is a cat

dinner last night

Yay!! The kids are back at school, except the little girl I babysit will be here at 9am, her parents are going to custody court today. The dad should have no problem he has had her since she was 3 she is now almost 10 and her mom is in drug treatment. Poor little thing broke down in church yesterday, I had to hug her for about ten minutes. She shouldn't be worried about all those grown up problems. last night I went to watch 5 people be baptized in water at church, it was pretty neat. I was baptized in a river about 6 years ago, but I didn't understand the significance of the event, I just did it to do it. I think in August at my one year anniversary of being saved I then will be baptized.
I'm taking about 26 pills a day, I'm getting tired of swallowing all these already. My dinner turned out so good last night. I think tonight I will make chicken tacos, I have womens bible study tonight, I love the ladies in this group, I love everyone at my church. There are no clicks and it is a decent size group of people. Everyone knows everyones name. I'm praying that Justin and Ian will someday want to go to church with me.
I must go clean my house now, have a wonderful Monday!!!!
Hope you have an enjoyable day. You always mention womens bible study. It must be a large part of your life. I've always wanted to go to one but went to a church that offered it. I did enjoy the Adult Sunday School our small church offers.
The unfortunate part of the whole story about Sautrday evening is the person in question is our child. ???
I had to giggle at your comment on my blog. ;)
I've just been busy and havent been blogging. I'll try to update this week.
I enjoy hanging out with the elderly women at church. For their insight and wisdom but they are some of the most humorous people in the world. Every moment spent with them is a blessing to me!!!
Yikes, why are you taking so many pills? I take about 8 vitamins a day and just that amount drives me nuts. Are you allowed to eat all the yummy food you cook when you are on those diet pills?
The pictures are adorable.
Hope you enjoy Bible study tonight.
All your pictures are so nice!
Thank you for commenting on my De-Lurk post--it is just a way for people who read my blog to comment--some new, some old---Kind of a way to make new friends and meet who is reading my blog:)
Did you see Jon and Kate's new home....It is beautiful!!
Dana, So sad about that little girl. I'm glad she is talking to you about it and crying a bit. I'm so glad you have your women's study. It's good to have fellowship. What pills? Vitamins? Hugs, Kathi
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