Look what I did, I shaved a huge chunk of skin off of my leg 2 days ago. It is still bleeding. I have never shaved my skin off before.

I took my other dog to the vet yesterday for her check up and she is healthy. She wont be needing her teeth cleaned yet. Yesterday I noticed a new litter of kittens across the street under another building. All the homeless cats live under this building, it drives me crazy. I need to catch these babies and their mom. I probably wont be able to, they run if you approach them.
Avery hurt her back at church yesterday so she will be staying home today. I have a few errands to do today so she will have to come with me. She has a decent size bruise on her back.
I also need to call on my bedroom set. They said 2 to 3 weeks for delivery and today is day 18 and still no one has called to arrange delivery. Have a good day today everyone:)
I hope you manage to catch those kittens. If you do...what will you do with them? I hope Avery's back feels better and your leg heals as well. Cutting while shaving usually means the blade is too dull.
Hopefully, you will hear about your bedroom set soon.
girl that leg look rough. I hope you keep it from getting infected.
Ouch!!!! Wishing you fast healing!!! For Avery too.
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