Avery posing

Avery and her friend Melissa

I think that is what I have, a chest cold. It started in my sinuses and has worked it's way down to my chest. After girlscouts yesterday I just came home and slept:) I got up this morning and made breakfast and now we are getting ready for church. I found out we are going camping at the GS lodge on March 23,24, and 25 so I am excited about that. Next week we are going to do crafts with seniors and then next Sunday we are having a mother/daughter tea party. I have to go to a thrift store and find a tea hat and two tea cups. It will be fun. Thanks for all the well wishes:) My dizziness is back, I think there may be a connection between the vertigo and my body fighting off viruses. Last time I had the dizzy spells I was fighting the infection in my leg.
I will be making the potato soup tonight with a salad and some french bread. I plan on coming home from church and resting again and riding out this cold. have a wonderful Sunday!!
Take care of yourself and try to get some rest!
Feel better soon,
Jan e
Sorry to hear you are blahhh.. I hope the soup turns out. Get some rest and take care
Have a great night
Im sorry you feel bad. The catfish here are fresh and amazing.
Sleep and keep yourself hydrated. Sounds like what I had. Doc had me take Mucinex(those green guys on the commercial) and it really helped.
Take care and hope you are feeling better today!!! :)
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