This picture was from the kids safety fest that we went to last Saturday. We waited in line for an hour but ended up leaving after I paid for the kids to ride the monster truck. The event was so unorganized, they had a crowd of about 1000 people and all the booths were so crammed together you couldn't stand in line or even get past the crowd. It was horribly planned so we left.
Curtis is on the end in the black t-shirt and Ave is next to him
In the middle of the night on Monday I woke up to really bad menstrual cramps so I took to prescribed pain pills. I fell back to sleep and at 2am I woke up and started wandering around the house. I noticed my cat on the back porch so I opened the sliding glass door and bent over reaching to pull her in. I lost my balance and fell forward into a lawn chair slamming the arm of the chair into my chest. I couldn't get myself back up, I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds due to the pills. It was funny. So for the remainder of the night I lay awake worried I had hurt my heart and was going to die. I'm fine, just a little soar, when I hiccup or cough my chest hurts.

Today I am taking my nephew to see the movie the Transformers. That's about all I have to report:) I miss mu honey terribly, he is on his way to New York. It's already been 3 weeks and I still have until the 15th of July:( I will try to stay busy with these kids. Have a great day!!
Cute wagon!! Hope she has fun at camp. My kids are not sure they are going to be able to this year with all thats going on. We have to make a decision soon I suppose.
Ouch! If you hurt when you take a deep breath you may have a rib out of place. You may need to visit your chiropractor as thats painful.
I fell in our boat once and got jammed between two things. I could only take shallow breaths as I had multiple ribs out but none cracked. Very painful.
Take care of yourself!!
I miss my honey/s too!
Camp looks like it is going to be loads of fun this year! Take care of your injuries too!
Camp looks fun. The wagon is really neat.
Sorry you fell, you probably bruised a rib.
Take it easy Dana!!
Oh I hope she has a great time! The wagon looks like a ton of fun.
That camp looks like fun! I bet Avery will love it.
Sorry to hear your hurt yourself. I hope it feels better soon.
I hope you have fun at the Transformer movie. :)
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