my sister and lily

My niece Ellie and my son

my niece Lily

My niece Julia and Avery. We went to this place in Modesto called Johns Incredible Pizza. 100 times better than Chuck E. Cheese

I have been such a bad blogger:( All I have been wanting to do since we returned is sleep. I guess after spending 13 days with the hubby and having to say goodbye to him and my family Im just a bit down. I thought about blogging everyday, just never got around to it.
My trip to see my family was nice, we had fun. I was glad to come home but sad to have to leave. Here are a few pictures. My son has most of the pictures on his camera and he has yet to load them on the computer.
Your trip looks like it was loads of fun! glad you are back,
Great pictures Dana! Your Grandma looks good for her age! WOW!!
girl I had them both and mayra always makes the corn. I will have some this weekend.
Glad you had a great vacation with all your family!!! Its always hard to get back into routine afterwads!!
At my house the laundry is so overwhelming after a trip that it usually sets the pace!!
Very nice family pictures. I'm glad you had such a good time. :)
We've missed you!
I hope things get better soon
Take Care
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