Monday, June 29, 2009
I really don't have to much to say, just another day of a stay at home mom. Today I will be taking Ave to the build a bear where she will join her girl scout troop to spend their hard earned cookie sales money. Tomorrow we are driving to the coast to go to the Oregon Aquarium. This is going to be my first trip to the coast. Both kids have gone before with other people, it should be alot of fun and a long day. My count down for my honey to return has begun, 17 long days. It feels like forever. The owner is here right now installing a shed for all the yard equipment, I guess I should go outside and see if he needs any help. Talk to you all later:)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Kaths meme game
here goes.....
Whats your favorite day of summer?
any day spent inside my nice and cool air conditioned home
What's your favorite indoor activity during summer?
relaxing in my air conditioned house
Favorite outdoor activity?
none. I dont like summer and I dont swim
The pool or the beach?
if I had to choose it would be the beach because of the scenery
Have you ever camped in a tent during the summer?
yes, on a beach in California, it was horrible, the wind was gusting so hard it blew sand everywhere, we ended up leaving early
Popsicles or ice cream?
ice cream
What flavor?
chocolate cherry or chocolate peanut butter
Do you help in your VBS?
I dont know what VBS stands for
Do you get bored during the summer?
I dont get to bored but I do get seasonal depression, I love dark cloudy rainy days
Are you going anywhere this summer?
were going to the coast next week to an aquarium
Is summer your favorite season?
NO, no, no. I love winter
Join the fun and repeat this meme at your blog!
Whats your favorite day of summer?
any day spent inside my nice and cool air conditioned home
What's your favorite indoor activity during summer?
relaxing in my air conditioned house
Favorite outdoor activity?
none. I dont like summer and I dont swim
The pool or the beach?
if I had to choose it would be the beach because of the scenery
Have you ever camped in a tent during the summer?
yes, on a beach in California, it was horrible, the wind was gusting so hard it blew sand everywhere, we ended up leaving early
Popsicles or ice cream?
ice cream
What flavor?
chocolate cherry or chocolate peanut butter
Do you help in your VBS?
I dont know what VBS stands for
Do you get bored during the summer?
I dont get to bored but I do get seasonal depression, I love dark cloudy rainy days
Are you going anywhere this summer?
were going to the coast next week to an aquarium
Is summer your favorite season?
NO, no, no. I love winter
Join the fun and repeat this meme at your blog!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Transformer movie was a good movie. I didn't think I would like it but I did. Now I'm going to go rent the first movie. Oh my gosh I ate like a pig yesterday. I was tired of eating good so I fell off the wagon. Time to get back on right? Ave will be home tomorrow, it's quiet here without her. In August she will go to another Christian camp then in October she will go with her girl scout troop camping on the coast. I haven't decided for sure if she can go on that camp. It's 100 miles away and I wont be able to go because I have to collect rent on the days that camp is scheduled.
My 16 year old niece is in Brazil doing missionary work. We are so proud of her. I think she has one more week left.
Today I will go to my bible study group then this evening I have a management meeting to attend. I dislike these meetings. I feel so out of place. For dinner I will be grilling steak and chicken with some baked beans and green beans. Have a wonderful day!!!
My 16 year old niece is in Brazil doing missionary work. We are so proud of her. I think she has one more week left.
Today I will go to my bible study group then this evening I have a management meeting to attend. I dislike these meetings. I feel so out of place. For dinner I will be grilling steak and chicken with some baked beans and green beans. Have a wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yesterday I dropped Ave off at camp. It is a Christian faith based camp and she will be there until Friday afternoon. This is her third year going and normally she picks a cabin to sleep in. I guess I overlooked that box and cabin was not checked on the application for camp so they put her in a wagon. She was upset until she saw the wagon. Inside there are 8 bunk beds, it's pretty cool.

This picture was from the kids safety fest that we went to last Saturday. We waited in line for an hour but ended up leaving after I paid for the kids to ride the monster truck. The event was so unorganized, they had a crowd of about 1000 people and all the booths were so crammed together you couldn't stand in line or even get past the crowd. It was horribly planned so we left.
Curtis is on the end in the black t-shirt and Ave is next to him
In the middle of the night on Monday I woke up to really bad menstrual cramps so I took to prescribed pain pills. I fell back to sleep and at 2am I woke up and started wandering around the house. I noticed my cat on the back porch so I opened the sliding glass door and bent over reaching to pull her in. I lost my balance and fell forward into a lawn chair slamming the arm of the chair into my chest. I couldn't get myself back up, I felt like I weighed 1000 pounds due to the pills. It was funny. So for the remainder of the night I lay awake worried I had hurt my heart and was going to die. I'm fine, just a little soar, when I hiccup or cough my chest hurts.

Today I am taking my nephew to see the movie the Transformers. That's about all I have to report:) I miss mu honey terribly, he is on his way to New York. It's already been 3 weeks and I still have until the 15th of July:( I will try to stay busy with these kids. Have a great day!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday chat
My 11 year old nephew is coming up tonight form Sacramento to stay for the summer. He is my nephew by love not blood. My sisters best friend who we have known since she was 5 (28 years) who is also like a sister is having some hard times and needs to straighten out a few things so Curtis is going to come up here and have a fun summer with us. We are all excited to have him. They will arrive sometime late tonight. I'm doing good with my walking and watching what I eat. Im feeling lighter already. On Saturday we will go to a safety fest for the kids, they play games and do crafts then earn bike helmets and life jackets and it is all free. My two conjoining cities offer alot of free summer activities for children. I am blessed to live where I do. I hope you all have a great weekend. Thanks for coming back and checking my post even though I have not been a loyal poster lately:(

mu pups loving the water, we will take them back probably Sunday

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
the past few days
Last Friday Ave graduated brownies, she is now going to be moving up to a junior, she will be wearing green instead of brown. On Friday we went to a park with her troop to have a end of the year pot luck and award ceremony where all the girls received the badges they earned through out the year. On Saturday we took the dogs to go on a hike. This was their first hike and their first encounter with water other than the bathtub. I know I'm a bad puppy mom for keeping them sheltered for 3 years. They loved the river, I had tears in my eyes I was so proud of them. The only problem is other hikers have their well behaved dogs off lead and it makes me nervous. I'm worried my little dog Mia will try to fight any dogs that approach her to just have a friendly sniff. One gentlemen on the path had his 3 German Sheppard's off lead and Mia was growling and pulling her leash to get at them. The man told me to just calm down that my dog didn't want to fight and her growling was just a bluff. I'm sure he is probably right and I need to work on staying calm. We are going to go back again tomorrow. After our hike I went to my church to help with a funeral. Some of the ladies had asked if I would help lay out food and clean up, so I did that for 3 hours then after that I took Ave and her friend to a local carnival that was in town for the weekend. Saturday was a go, go, go day and when evening came I was pooped. I will post pictures tomorrow. I have been taking those weight loss pills called Alli, so far in one week I have lost 4 pounds. I'm pretty excited about that. Hopefully with my walking and hiking and diet change I will start shedding more weight:) Being overweight is depressing me so I have to do something about it and I know it is going to take time and effort. I am now going to go pay all of you a long overdue visit:))) Have a great day!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
bad blogger
my dad and my 91 year old grandma

my sister and lily

My niece Ellie and my son

my niece Lily

My niece Julia and Avery. We went to this place in Modesto called Johns Incredible Pizza. 100 times better than Chuck E. Cheese

I have been such a bad blogger:( All I have been wanting to do since we returned is sleep. I guess after spending 13 days with the hubby and having to say goodbye to him and my family Im just a bit down. I thought about blogging everyday, just never got around to it.
My trip to see my family was nice, we had fun. I was glad to come home but sad to have to leave. Here are a few pictures. My son has most of the pictures on his camera and he has yet to load them on the computer.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Im back
We arrived home Monday afternoon. I dont think anyone comes home from vacation feeling rested. Im so tired and am still trying to unpack and get my house back together. I will take Justin back to work tomorrow then Friday is the last day of school. I will post pictures later. I didnt get that many but my son had his camera so I will steal his pictures. Talk to you all later:)))
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