My honey was coming from the south on his way to Portland so I was able to pick him up at a near by truck stop and bring him home for the night. I took him back to his truck last night and he delivered his load, now he is waiting to deliver a second load in Vancouver WA and then he will come home and he is taking some vacation days so he will be staying until next Monday.
Yesterday we had a two hour long thunder storm. My dog Mia hates the thunder, she wants to fight it, she gets so angry she has her hair all stood up like a mohawk. Ave was bugging her dad to build her a clubhouse so he sent me to buy her a tent:) Have a great week!!!
Glad you got to spend some time with your hubby! Ave looks very content sitting in her tent with all her goodies inside. :)
Hi there! I haven't been by in a while and just wanted to say hello. I got caught driving home from Portland in that storm and it was very difficult! Your trip to the coast looks like so much fun! I love the picture of Avery in her tent fort!
:0) Sharon
P.S. I remembered that you asked me what company I used for my pictures, it was Shutterfly. I would highly recommend them.
Every Girl Scout needs a tent!!! : )
Glad you had time with your hubs. My hubs surprised us and came home for a short weekend as they were rained out with haying. Probably wont see him til the week of the wedding-July 31st.
Hi Dana! I haven't really had to time to update my blog and really nothing exciting is going on in my life to blog about. lol I lead a pretty boring life I think. lol
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