This is the innkeepers house and it is supposed to be haunted, they have aired it on
tv and on the
Internet is told to be one of the most haunted
places in Oregon. We stopped here on the way home to have a picnic lunch on the beach and tour the light house. We walked up 1/2 mile and took our tour. The innkeepers house is now a bed and breakfast and I was told it cost $300 a night to stay during peak season. After we were done with the tour we went down to the beach, ate lunch then goofed around for a bit.
I'm sorry I am so behind on posting its hard with two kids to entertain and constantly clean up after. Today we are going 40 miles east to the river for my friends kids birthday celebration. My honey will be home in 7 days.
I'm excited about that. I stepped on my dogs foot and I think I broke his toe:( he has been limping for 4 days. I took him to the vet but they wanted $153 just to sedate him and take a look. My honey said No way. It's really bothering me, if it was up to my I would drain the bank to make my dog feel better. He says give him time. Its not
swollen and he is
still hopping around so maybe it's not broken.
I'm doing terrible on my mission to lose weight:( I need to work harder. I just
don't know whet to eat, maybe I
should see a
nutritionist. Got any advice?

This is the
Heceta Head lighthouse, built in 1883