Friday, November 20, 2009
killer cat!!!
This young man may look sweet and innocent with his tea party hat on but let me tell you he's not!!! He brought a dead squirrel to my back door!!! He was out there just throwing it up in the air and having himself a good ol time! I brought him in the house and washed his mouth out and his hands, he is a bad boy! Then I had to pick up the squirrel and dispose of his little body.

Monday, November 9, 2009
my birthday weekend!!
Yesterday was my 36th birthday. I was so happy when my honey said he had a load coming up north and would be home Saturday to stay the night. The only holiday we have guaranteed every year is Christmas so when he happens to pass thru on any other holidays or birthdays it's a treat. I had a wonderful birthday weekend. My honey made a pot roast with potato's and carrots and dinner rolls. We played scrabble and trouble with the kids then Ave and I danced to Michael Jackson music. We were just being goofy and having fun. Sunday morning I got to wake up next to my honey and hear " Happy Birthday" he also made breakfast. He's not big on cards or even picking out presents but I did go to Sears today and buy myself an argyle sweater. All of us being together made my 36th birthday one of the bests so far!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
yesterdays mess!!
So my morning started out as planned, I left at 7am to give Katie a ride to work which is a 40 minute round trip. I arrived back at my sons school for his conferences. All his teachers love him and say he has so much potential and is on the right track. His only problem is math, he is still having a hard time with algebra but he is passing. So after that i was off to the laundry mat, I had time before Aves conference to get it done. After I put my clothes in the wash I decided I had enough time to run to the lab and have some blood work done, as I pulled into the medical office building my heater gauge shot up and smoke started billowing from under the hood. I called my darling husband and he yelled at me so I hung up on him. I parked the car as far away from the door because I was embarrassed. I started trying to problem solve this situation. I don't do well with unexpected events so I started crying, my husband was being a jerk, my laundry was at the laundry mat and I wasn't around a water hose. I pulled myself together and decided I would go do my lab work and let the radiator cool off. As the lady was drawing my blood I explained what had happened and asked her for a large urine container to fill with water. She was kind and put it in a bag for me. I took it to the bathroom to fill but the faucet was shaped so I couldn't get any water in it without it immediately falling out. So now I'm crying again because my plan isn't working. I call my one friend and she is at school. I have roadside assistance but what about my laundry? I remembered I had a water bottle in the car so I thought I would get that and use it to fill the urine bottle, as I was walking to leave I saw a water faucet and was able to fill my container. Yay!!! Then I got to the front door and it was pouring rain and hailing, it was sunny when I went in the building so this was my breaking point, I just lost it. I had no choice I had to walk to my car that was parked as far away as possible. I was soaked. I called my darling husband who had left about 7 missed calls on my phone and I let him have apiece of my mind then hung up and called my dad. Yes I am going to be 36 tomorrow and still call my dad:))) So anyways I filled the radiator and got my laundry then off to the mechanics. My temperature gauge was stuck and that's why it overheated. Thank God is was only a minor issue and after $105.00 I was back on the road and made it home at 2:30 and yes I missed my daughters conference. And yes I did end up with that headache I anticipated.
Even though I broke down and cried I am proud of myself for handling it without my honeys help and he did end up apologizing and will be cooking me dinner today and buying me a new pair of pumps:)))) Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Even though I broke down and cried I am proud of myself for handling it without my honeys help and he did end up apologizing and will be cooking me dinner today and buying me a new pair of pumps:)))) Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Parent/teacher conference day!!!
This morning I start with going to my sons school for his conferences and then off to my daughters school. I also need to fir in a trip to the lab for some blood work, laundry, car wash and vacuum and to sears to replace my daughters boots. My honey will be passing through tomorrow so the dogs need a bath before they see their dad. He is just passing through so will only be here for one night. I have a prior commitment at my church that I really don't want to miss. We are having another women's lunch with two guest speakers and I volunteered for clean-up before knowing my honey would be passing through, I also volunteered to pick up one of the older ladies that does not drive. I will honor my commitment but feel bad for not spending every hour possible with the honey. My head is starting to hurt just thinking about the running around I have to do today. have a great Friday!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A few pictures from halloween
So last Thursday my sons spanish class was celebrating a latino holiday, I think it was to celebrate the dead. My son was working one of the craft booths, he had spent the prior two weeks making sugar skulls at home to be decorated. This is Avery dressed as a dead bride. I didnt want to buy a new costume so we took last years angel dress and added some make-up

here is my very handsome son working his booth wishing his mom would go away

I made orange scrambled eggs and orange buttered toast on halloween morning, 
Here is ave at a craft booth, we also enjoyed tamales, sopa?, empenadas, there was a mariachi band and salsa lessons

Here is ave at a craft booth, we also enjoyed tamales, sopa?, empenadas, there was a mariachi band and salsa lessons
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