I just woke up and as I do always first thing when I awaken is call Justin, he was just assigned a load back north so I will see him again tomorrow and he can stay another night :) I'm so happy:) He usually stays on the east coast so this is quite rare.
I decided last night that I'm going to buy a very inexpensive sewing machine from walmart, $40 to be exact. I want to make doll clothes for Avery. The clothes for this American Girl Doll are very expensive. I liked sewing in high school. I may need a refresher course but there are plenty of ladies at the church who would be happy to teach me. I have my bible study potluck today. I'm taking pasta salad ( the boxed kit kind) I know that's bad but I don't feel like cooking.
I was thinking I will have to say goodbye again. Thats just the way it goes:) Im glad I have all of you to turn to for support. have a wonderful day:) todays post was my 200th post
I'm glad to hear you are doing better. That's super that you are getting a sewing machine and have the church ladies to help you. I can answer sewing questions as well. You can probably find patterns to fit the dolls online and they don't only have to be American Doll patterns. They make other versions for those dolls as well. Good luck!
congrats on your 200th! William is still home. He is having a transmission repaired... $3000 to $6000... can you say broke. No shopping for me.
Im so glad Justin is coming back. sounds like someone up above hears you desires.
Chow chow is a good relish that we like to eat with peas and beans.It is pickled and many people use different things,but they all have very fine cabbage shredded and usually onion. It is so good. I bet you can find it up there. I got mine at the fresh produce stand yesterday.I wouldn't get it from grocery stores.
I am glad you are feeling better! Have fun sewing and make sure you post some pics of your handiwork!
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