Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Im back

I just returned home from taking Justin back to work and guess what? It's snowing:) just a little dust but it might turn into something heavy. Yesterday Justin not only vacumed the house he also made breakfast, went with me to the laundry mat and helped, and then he grilled steaks and ribs for us last night. He will be back on February 18th. I need to go catch up on blogs so I will keep this short. Happy Tuesday:)))


Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Your hubs is only home like once a month? I dont know how you handle that. WOW!

The Mind of a Mom said...

Happy Tuesday! Bummer he had to leave so soon after just getting there ~ enjoy the snow :o)

T said...

Hey Dana,
I am so proud of you for trying to do what you can. You still have my email, so if you need any other advice with the trapping, let me know.

You just made my night:))